陳孟亨,2010 年取得美國波士頓大學音樂藝術博士學位,主修古樂演奏,樂器為木笛,在校期間榮獲優異學生表現獎 (Student Presentation Honor Award)。取得博士學位回台灣後,致力於木笛的系統化教學與專業化,並積極將台灣的木笛推向國際;2005年起多次率團參加全日本木笛大賽榮獲「金賞獎」,2018年指導獨奏學生榮獲最高榮譽「花村賞」。2013年榮獲韓國春川木笛大賽「指導者大賞」。2017年榮獲「德國國際巴洛克音樂節」室內樂比賽第三名。2020年指導學生參加以色列特拉維夫國際木笛大賽 (Tel Aviv Recorder Festival)榮獲十四至十八歲組第一名。陳孟亨回台灣的數年間,受亞洲木笛界的重視,多次前往比利時、荷蘭、德國、以色列、大陸、韓國、日本、香港等地演出與講習,並與多位世界知名演奏家合作演出,例如: Maurice Steger、Drora Bruck、 Aldo Abreu、Erik Bosgraaf、Matthias Maute、Flanders Recorder Quartet等,並受邀擔任國內外木笛大賽的評審,例如韓國春川木笛大賽 (Chuncheon Recorder Competition)、以色列特拉維夫國際木笛大賽 (Tel Aviv Recorder Festival)、德國諾德霍恩木笛大賽(Nordhorn Recorder Festival)等;因其出色的表現獲得波士頓大學傑出校友之殊榮。除了在音樂上的優異表現外,在教學上亦不遺餘力;於2018年獲得清華大學校傑出教學獎以及藝術學院傑出優良教師,2019年獲得清華大學音樂系傑出導師。現任教於國立清華大學音樂系與台灣師範大學音樂系,並擔任新竹直笛合奏團和高雄直笛合奏團藝術總監。

Meng-Heng Chen, faculty of Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. She earned the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts from Boston University in 2010, with a major in Historical Performance and Recorder as her performing instrument, and was awarded the “Student Presentation Honor Award”. Chen is patriotic in terms of promoting Taiwan and the achievements of Taiwanese recorder performance to the rest of the world. She has led ensembles to win gold medals at the “Japan Recorder Competition” in 2005, 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2017. In 2015, she organized the third ARF Asia Recorder Festival in Taiwan, and also performed in the opening concert and conducted the recorder orchestra during the final concert. Chen was often invited to teach and perform in several countries including China, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Israel, Holland, Belgium and many others. Since her excellent performance after graduated, she was awarded as a notable alumnus at the Boston University. In 2018, she also earned the award for outstanding teaching from Tsing Hua University.

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