課程描述 Course decription


    The course is designed to guide students into the world of music from three perspectives: sensation of the music, emotion of the music, and music theory. The materials used in this course include classical music, traditional and contemporary music in Taiwan, world music, jazz music, American musicals, and new music genres, such as new-age music, healing music, and film music. All the music used in the course is close to the students’ daily lives. By introducing this music, the course helps to improve the students’ range and depth in music listening. As for the procedure, the course starts with music listening, by which students feel the music. Then students are encouraged to think about certain topics or issues, taking advantage of the professional skillsof their own majors. This way, the course improves the students’ thinking ability and inspires their creativity to practice aesthetics by linking music with other fields. Moreover, all kinds of narrating skills are emphasized for the method of the course. The students learn the course through various practices such as speaking, writing, drawing, and physical activities, to connect different fields and train the five ways of life well. Hopefully, aesthetics becomes part of their lives eventually.

課程臉書社團 Course Group


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